Happy 2 month anniversary to us!!!!! Jeffrey and I have had Megan with us for 2 entire months!! 2 months ago Charlie Sheen (not his Chinese name) brought Mengli Fu to the Hyatt in Jinan City, China. Within a mere 15 minutes paper work was signed and Megan was our daughter. God gave us one amazing little chestnut. I am still totally amazed that she is ours. Our home is filled with girly stuff and we couldn't be happier.
2 months ago we wrote of the things we knew about Megan less than 12 hours in. What has changed or what more do we know about Miss M? Where do I begin?
Oh boy she's so funny!
She has a different face for everything! Ha!
She has the maximum sass capacity for a 29 month old.
She is total girl and this girl loves her shoes.
She loves to eat and will pretty much eat whatever is in front of her.
She is all about hats and sunglasses.
She loves her brothers and can get them to do whatever she wants. (Hee hee!)
She can be happy one minute and be a total crab the next. She keeps us on our toes!
She is very healthy!
The list could go on and on but you get the idea. : )
Happy, happy, happy!
The boys start school in a couple weeks, Jeffrey will continue working long hours (grrrrr), I go back to work after 12 weeks off and Megan starts day care... I am emotional about all of it except the boys starting school. Ha! It will be a drastic change for all after the summer of Megan. I hope we weather it all well. On to the fall of Megan!!! : )
We have the best family ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Donut lover!
Baseball 101 with one of the best brothers ever!!
Nobody can wear cookie cutters like this girl!!
Is she cool or what?!?!?
Papa helped with her head band... Good grief!!!
2nd family photo!!