Anniversary time!
It has been a while since our last blog post – sorry about that. Tomorrow marks the 3 month anniversary that we were finally able to hold, hug and kiss Megan. It seems as if it has been so much longer. I often look back at all our pictures of China and of our 1st days with Megan and I get emotional. How can a small girl from ½ way across the world be so perfect and be the missing piece to our family? She was soooooo bald and so very skinny but her smile lit up a room. She doesn’t have much hair now but it is growing. We still have a great eater! There have only been a few items that we know that she doesn’t like but she can fool you by the closed eyes, rubbing her belly and saying mmmmmmmmmmmm! However, the food is still on her plate 15 minutes later. We still battle a few orphan eating issues but those are getting fewer and fewer. Megan weighed in around 21 pounds when we got her home and now she weight about 26 lbs! 5 pounds doesn’t seem like a lot to you or I but to a small chestnut, that is a lot. She is filling out nicely and we love every ounce of her!!! ; ) Megan is now 30 months old and has changed so much in the last 3 months. She is still one funny little girl and is constant entertainment for us all.
Megan’s English still isn’t great, she says a lot; however, not real clear but she is trying. She uses her Pleases and Thank Yous all the time, even if they are Plaaaaaa and Ta Tu. Megan uses her No, No (along with her pointer finger waiving) a lot. If she falls on the floor she will tell the floor, “no, no” or if Jeffrey or the boys are aggravating her she will come to me and take my pointer finger and point it at them and say “no, no!!!”. Apparently, using my finger makes it much more effective. She is learning to count but REFUSES to say 1. I am not sure what is up with that other than she knows it gets under my skin. Good grief! I am sure over the next couple of months she will start saying words more and they will get clearer.
Megan has been working very hard at potty training. A couple of weeks ago she came to me and pointed at her diaper, I thought she was poopy, when I checked her she was dry. I asked if she wanted to sit on the potty and she said “yea!”. There you go! Ever since then she’s done great. Except for the pooping… She tells me when she’s done but doesn’t have any interest in leaving it all in the potty… I sure hope she has a change of heart in that department very soon. Yuck!
We had our first family outing away from home Labor Day weekend. We traveled to the great city of Fort Wayne to visit the Korpi’s for our Hinds family birthday weekend. Megan slept terrible and we ended up coming home early but she was a peach during the day even with being extremely tired.
The boys started school after Labor Day – Jacob is a Junior (16 yrs old – next week!!!) and Alex (12 ½ yrs old) is in 7th (where does the time go?????). Megan and I had a week together all to our selves. With school starting I lost my shower sitter but we learned to improvise. I told Megan to stay in her room… Ha, that went over like a fart in church! The 1st day I found her in the living room playing on my iPad. Towards the end of the week she stayed in her room or at least I think she did… It’s a work in progress. Megan was sooooooooooo excited to see Jacob and Alex when they got home from school. It just melts my heart. They are so great with her.
Megan loves to play in the cupboards and take out anything that she can find. The girl can wear cookie cutters like nobody I have ever known! Ha!!! She is treating her babies better than she did when we first got home. She does feed them and give them stroller rides – no more baby abuse. : ) She absolutely loves to play horsey with her Papa but she doesn’t understand that she has to hang on in order not to fall off. Megan chooses to lay down on Jeffrey’s back. So stinkin’ funny!! She is learning her letters, likes us to read her books, and loves playing baseball with the boys outside. Oh, and she’s obsessed with Robin Thick’s Blurred Lines song. Ok, I know – not the most appropriate song to have your 2 yr old listen to but she doesn’t understand all the words anyway and it has a great beat! She could be one of Robin’s backup singers when she says the “hey, hey hey” part. Hysterical!!! We might have to put that up on YouTube someday.
Last week Megan started daycare and I went back to work part time. Both of us are still adjusting. I didn’t think I had a real hard time when the boys went back but I sure do now. I think it’s because I feel like we just got her and I am shoving her off to be with someone else. I know, I know, she’ll be fine and it will get better… That doesn’t mean I have to like it. I miss not being able to see and kiss that sweet face all day long.
I hope you all are doing well. Thank you for all your love and support.