Morning of 1/30/13: I woke up from a terrible dream... In this dream I was at Bethany's office; however, it wasn't an office I had seen before. It was much bigger - more like a large warehouse with cubicles. I was walking through the office and noticed a large crib that had 15 small little Chinese girls in it and who were all 15 months old. I began playing with the girls and seemed to connect with a little princess with a round face. She had such a cute smile and long, straight black hair. I asked a lady walking by why all these girls were in this crib. She said that China just released these girls and Bethany was waiting to match these kids up with families. I mentioned that my husband and I had been waiting 5 yrs for a little girl and could we have one of these girls. She said yes we could! All we had to do was sign this particular letter and we could have one of these girls. I asked about the one little girl I connected with and she said that she'd do what she could but we had to get this letter back quickly. I drove home like a mad lady at mock speed so I could get Jeffrey's signature on this letter and get it sent back in to Bethany. When I got home and quickly explained to Jeffrey what was going on and all we had to do was sign a letter and the wait would be over. He hemmed and hawed and said that he thought it would be best to just stay in line and continue waiting for our referral. Needless to say I went ballistic! Then he says, I never wanted to adopt anyway... I woke up and could have cried. It felt so real and for the first time ever, every time I saw a little Chinese girl, her face was blank but this dream I did see this little girls face and she was perfect. I went to work and typed up an email with my dream sequence and sent it to Jeffrey and my sisters. My sisters gave Jeffrey crap and said he was being
so mean! : ) Jeffrey quickly responded back and said that he DID want to adopt and didn't understand why he was in so much heat when it was my dream.
Well, at 2:45pm that afternoon, Jeffrey received a call from Bethany. They wanted us to look at a referral!!!!!!!!! When Jeffrey called me at work, I tried so hard to control myself but I was a blubbering mess. I drove home mock speed so I could get the medical records, pictures and any other details of our referral. Jeffrey called me and kept saying, be calm and don't get attached yet. We had to look at all her records and see what the Dr's had to say. I got home quickly stared at the documents, not absorbing any of the verbiage. All I remember seeing was that she had a heart condition and that she was 22 months old. Once I saw her picture I was hooked. I just knew we could never say no to her referral. Jeffrey again told me, don't rush into things... He came home, saw her pictures and immediately said, "there is our daughter". We quickly accepted a referral for Mengli Fu - aka Megan Emily-Mei. Our lives were changed forever.
Megan is doing GREAT!!! She is as sassy as the 1st day we met her. Megan has a million faces and is very stubborn. Sleep still is an ongoing issue... She slept through the night 2 nights in a row a couple of weeks ago and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. That didn't last....Oh well! Megan's receptive language is amazing but her English speaking skills are slow coming. I guess we'll keep waiting. Other than a few bad colds, she has been pretty healthy. Yay!!! She loves her brothers and tolerates Lily. Both Lily and Megan fight for my lap space. Both girls need my lovin'!!!
We are headed to Disney in 7 days! Megan's 1st trip. A bit earlier than what we were originally planning but we know we will have fun no matter what. Since she is so short she will have to wait to ride Tower of Terror and Rockin Roller Coaster. : ) I will ride it a few extra times for her.
1 yr ago our lives would be forever changed and we couldn't be any happier. Thank you for your support and following our very long journey.
One of the 1st pics Megan
She's ready to meet Minnie Mouse!
1st pony tail. Compliments of the girls at daycare.
Relaxing in her new bikini (her feet must have been chilly)
Woke up one morning looking like this! Wowza!!
Sunday pj day! Yeah Hoooo!
Anyone have any flip flops? Megan needs some.