January!! That seems like so long ago yet, 3 months later we are still in
cold nasty weather... Ugh!!!! What have we been doing for the last few
months? Let's see.... Birthdays, birthdays and birthdays... Jeffrey was
in January, Alex was in February, Megan celebrated her 1st birthday in the
US on St. Patrick's day and me in April. Megan sure loves birthdays!!! She
loves to sing Happy Birthday and thinks it is pretty darn cool to get
presents on the big day!!!! This year we celebrated Megan's pre birthday
with a Minnie Mouse birthday with the family. Then we did some special
things for her on the 17th. We wanted to make sure that she knows when her
birthday is and that it is a big day! Jacob and Alex got her an extremely
obnoxious girly Cinderella bike, which she adores!!!! Now if we could just
get her to learn to pedal on her own, it would be a miracle!!!!! Anyone
have advice on that, it would be extremely welcome.
April came and seemed to bring in a few extra emotions that I had some
trouble dealing with. The 17th of April is the anniversary of the day
Megan's birth parents made a huge sacrifice and left their 4 week old
Princess on the steps of a hospital in Jinan, China. Their sick little
child became one of the greatest blessings in our lives but I can't help but
think the sadness her parents had to go through that day or even now 3 yrs
later. I am so torn with the thoughts of the "if only"... All she needed
was one surgery and she's totally healthy but if not for their sacrifice, we
wouldn't have this amazing little chicklet in our home to constantly love
and kiss every day. Moments of happiness but how can I be happy at their
unfortunate situation? Never did I ever think that this would ever be an
issue but somehow it is. I pray for her birth parents. I pray they are at
peace with their decision and that they know in their hearts that their
daughter is happy, healthy and loved beyond words.
Anyway, Megan is doing fantastic!!! She is one of the funniest little
people we know. We are constantly laughing at what she does. Wait, except
for the stubborn stuff. That is a gene I wish her birth parents didn't pass
on... Ugh!!! Geeze Louise, this girl is stubborn like no other. Her match
in that department is her own brother, Jacob. Thank God we don't have both
of them going through this stage at the same time. You would find me in a
small padded room being medicated. : ) We had Megan assessed by an awesome
speech therapist last week and she gave us a lot of good feedback as to why
Megan isn't speaking well. She thinks it is an airway, tonsils and adenoids
thing so we made an appointment with an ENT. A doctor we know extremely
well as we probably funded both his kids' college and grad schools with all
of Alex's appointments, hospital stays and surgeries. He said her tonsils
and adenoids are moderately large but would like to try a 4 week stint of
antibiotics to try and get rid of some constant phlegm in her throat to see
if that helps. If that doesn't work, he'll do surgery. Next on the doctor
rotation was her follow up visit to the cardiologist. Down side of that
visit is that Jeffrey, Megan and I were all wearing Michigan State clothes
and the doctor went to Michigan... Ooops, note to self - do not wear any
college clothes to the next visit. : ) Dr. Malcolm gave her a glowing
review!!!!! He is absolutely amazed with how well the Chinese doctors did
her surgery and how well she is doing now. He said that you can't even hear
her murmur with a stethoscope and it is only noticeable on her EKG. He said
that just isn't all that common to have such great results as she has. He
would like to continue to see her as she grows to insure that her pulmonary
valve, which was one thing that was repaired, is stretching correctly as she
grows and isn't developing any stiffness from scar tissue. She weighs in at
27.4 lbs and 36 inches tall. Such a big girl!!!! She has gained 6 lbs and
grown 3 inches since coming home 10 months ago. Something we can't seem to
fix is her sleeping issue. She has no issues going to bed at night or for
naps but just can't seem to sleep consistently through the night. Leaving
this Mama one tired old lady. Hoping that if she gets her tonsils and
adenoids out, it will help. God, please let it help!!!!!!
Many people have asked about our travel buddies - they are all doing very
well! We just received updates from all of them. 2 families are on their
2nd adoptions and we wish them all the best. I miss seeing them and being
able to chat with them. At the time China was so overwhelming but now
looking back at it, I'd take it back to see the sites again and to be able
to chat with those we came so close to. I have the most amazing, supportive
husband on this Earth but seeing a note come from Brandi in our inbox or on
FB always comes at the most perfect time. God has given us so many things
to be thankful for!
Who's ready to go to Florida???
If I fake sleep then maybe the characters won't come near me...
Fun in the sun!
1st drive... Need much more practice
How can you not laugh???
I'm 3 today!!!!
My new bike from my brothers.
Lovin' laundry with my Papa - wearing Mommies roos.
The best kids ever!!!
Donut enjoyment!!!
Yakkin' her way down the hall and BAM!!! Right into the wall.