Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Gotcha Day - 2.0

823 days – 2 yrs and 3 months as an orphan…  June 17, 2013 will forever be a day we will never forget. That day still feels as if it was just yesterday.  I remember everything that happened that morning especially that knock at 10:12 am and I opened that door to finally see with my own eyes – our daughter.  We waited 6 very long years for her.  The waiting is terrible.  Tears at all heart strings and even raised questions about if we were supposed to be down this adoption path.  I do not miss those 6 yrs of waiting.  Megan has now been with our family for 730 days!!!!  So much is the same with the Chicklet.  Mainly her personality and facial expressions.  She is still extremely stubborn but in the words from the orphanage before we left for China - “she is slightly stubborn”.  Megan has 1000+ facial expression for just about everything.  She is constantly making us laugh with the way she’ll say things, how she plays, or eats.  

A shout out to our friends we met in China.  It’s like our Gotcha day with them, too!  : )  It is totally amazing to have met some truly wonderful people half way around the world and know they are there for us no matter what.  Even when two of us are in need of some sunshine, palm trees, warm weather, some beverages and many laughs.  We hold these friends near and dear to our hearts.  

Megan is very healthy – Thank God.  No lingering heart issues.  She’ll continue to be seen yearly to make sure all the scaring and valves continue to stretch as she grows.  Speaking of her growing…  she’s been a little slow in that department.  She is 30lbs on a good day ; ) and is 39 ½ inches tall.  She has gained 9lbs and grown 7 ½ inches since we had her 1st dr appointment the day after we got back from China.  She has been in speech during the last school year and she has well exceeded her goals. She’ll continue with speech next year while she’s attending 4yr old preschool.  Megan loves to play outside, ride her bike, her scooter, play baseball and play in the pool.  She’s not fond of winter – she takes after her Mommy.  : )  She makes some mean cookies, pizza, cake, ice cream and spaghetti in her kitchen.  She’ll even serve them up with coffee or a coke.  Megan will even tell us we have to say our prayers before we eat.  Ha!!  She loves to talk about Florida and Disney World.  We made a trip down to Disney World back in April and had a great time – with the exception of some rain that hampered our plans.  She was so excited to meet characters – a far cry from her first trip when she would fake sleep so she didn’t have to see them.  She kissed each character, hugged them and was all smiles.  She loved the roller coasters, shopping and eating and eating. The one thing missing from our trip was Jacob.  He decided that he didn’t want to miss school and stayed home.  We are planning a trip next May with all 5 of us.  I can’t wait.  

All 3 kids will be starting new schools next year.  Megan will be going to Century Park Learning Center for 4 yr preschool.  She will be staying in that school until 6th grade.  Alex will be a freshman at Grandville High School and Jacob will be a freshman at Michigan State University.  Holy smokes – talk about a wide range of schools for our kids.  

 Got Love????  Adopt!!!! 

 That Mulan is too funny!!!
 Arms up, Papa!!!!
 "i so beautiful!" 
 OMG, LOVE, love, LOVE
 Megan did her hair...
 donut?  duh... 
 she was very happy for her Gaka
 proud parents with a crazy photo bomber...  who's kid is that any way???
 bahahahahahaha - one of her Gotcha Day presents.

Megan and Ariel

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